atend-one-serve-oneConsider attending one service and serving one service at South. Nothing happens without you and nothing should. Serving is not about getting things done around a church.  It is about stepping into the gifts God designed you to use for His church. We have found that as people discover and serve inside their gifting, they thrive and grow in their faith.

The staff at South recognizes that nothing we do happens without our church members. If one of the staff people was gone on a Sunday, there might be a few glitches here and there.  But if all our amazing members didn’t show up to serve, we could not do ministry. In one sense, every active member at South is on staff at South Fellowship. We love that!

[us_btn align=”left” icon=”” target=”_self” link=”″ style=”6″ label=”Sign Up To Serve” font_size=”15px”]