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coming to Christ can be COSTLY, but life eternal is PRICELESS
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Read Psalm 68:32
Humility is not popular. When I think of humility, it’s being the last one chosen for a team, proven wrong or being embarrassed. But, who wants to be humble, poor, degraded, appear inadequate or feel unworthy in our a uent, power-seeking culture? Life these days often means living for yourself and our culture confronts us with many roadblocks to being humble.
Jarius, in the gospel of Luke, overcame many roadblocks in his quest to find Jesus. Jarius was a rich synagogue ruler. He wasn’t even supposed to like Jesus. But, he swallowed his pride and risked his career, his position, his friends, everything, and hurried to Jesus for help. He went a long distance losing precious time in desperation to spare his child’s life. He came, not arrogantly or flippantly, but with sincere hope and faith in the Teacher. His posture as a ruler might have made him look proud but inside was a heart humbly surrendered.
The Bible defines humility di erently than our contemporary culture. It’s a correct estimation of who you are – in light of who God is. Coming to God humbly means recognizing you owe all your natural gifts, personality, attributes, etc., to him. You’re the object of undeserved redeeming love. Because, God overcame many roadblocks on your behalf, you can regard yourself as not being your own. Coming to Christ can be costly, but life eternal is priceless. Jesus’ desire is for a relationship with you. Yet, like Jarius, there may be roadblocks that have kept you from coming to him with your needs. You can receive mercy and find grace to help you in your time of need, he promises (Hebrews 4:16).
Reflection and Response
Are there people or social customs or personal factors that you need to push aside in order to truly encounter Jesus? Draw a picture of a road, with roadblocks on it. Label the roadblocks you’ve overcome as well as the ones that still keep you from whole-heartedly reaching Jesus.
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By Donna Burns
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