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turn the attitude of prayer from SELF – fixation to JESUS – fixation
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Read Psalm 18:1-6
We live in a fast-paced society. We like to get things done quickly and efficiently in order to accomplish as much as possible in as little time as possible. And, when there is a major event coming up, we add even more things to our to-do list. Our heads spin around trying to keep track of all the details so that when the event actually takes place we can be present to enjoy all the work put forth. This was likely the headspace Martha was in the day Jesus came over for dinner.
Martha had a list of things to do before Jesus arrived and likely many expectations of what would happen when he did. She had spent hours planning ahead, going to the market, cleaning, cooking, setting up, and finalizing all the last minute details. All the normal things that must be done for a lovely meal to occur. There would be no meal without the preparation and there would be no preparation without the planning. So, where did Martha go wrong?
When Jesus arrived, Martha was there – present and ready to greet him. She created a beautiful gathering for her dear friends and her precious Lord. It appeared she was serving with a heart to please God. But, the state of her soul was exposed when she interrupted Jesus. The conversation with her Lord revealed her overemphasis on all the details spinning around in her head and her distracted soul. Her soul was still fixated on her current activity and couldn’t slow down to be present and at peace.
We, like Martha, are easily distracted by life – even good things – like making dinner for friends or serving God at church. But, to evaluate the state of our souls, we need to look at the attitude behind our prayers. Sometimes prayers sound more like interrupting Jesus by asking him if he even cares about our current situation or asking him why he doesn’t tell others to help us out immediately. Instead, let’s notice the remarkable things about Jesus and tell him about what we love about him. This can help turn the attitude of our prayer from self-fixation to Jesus-fixation.
Reflection and Response
What do you love most about Jesus? Take a few minutes to note the remarkable things about Jesus. Write him a letter to tell him what you love about him.
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By Yvonne Biel
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