
  • 3rd Service starts next week
  • Share Your Faith Workshop next Saturday
  • Please send notes of encouragement to us to pass on to the Hutchinson family as this would have been their last day. You may also post on our social networks any thoughts for them. We will do our best to compile them and send them on.


Take a few moments and enjoy some songs that have some of the themes that the passage of scripture we’re looking at is going to introduce. Ask the Holy Spirit to speak the truth of His scripture (through these songs) to your soul.

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Matthew 14:22-33

Snowmageddon 2015. As the storm rages outside (sort of!), we wanted to take a moment to feed your soul. The Scriptures talk a lot about moments in the storm. Some of them are literal, and some of them are figurative. In today’s message, we look at one of the more famous “storm passages.” There’s a lot to learn about the way that Jesus interacts with people in the midst of the storm. The reality is, at some point in life, we will find ourselves in the midst of the storm. In this passage, we are reminded that even when the storm is present, so was Jesus.

Kid’s Program

We hope you take this opportunity to disciple your kids too. This video might be a helpful tool to point them to Jesus today. Keep those kids warm.