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If we don’t ACT upon what we hear, we’ll soon forget.
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Read Luke 5:4-5
“You’re not the boss of me!” You may have heard this phrase from a child speaking to their older brother or sister or babysitter placed in a position of authority or as children play together at the park. But sometimes, just sometimes, in our adult lives, we’d like to speak this phrase to those who seem intent on telling us something we know won’t work or to those who suggest results unknown to us. Perhaps Peter wanted to say this to Jesus when Jesus told him to ‘let down the nets.’ “Jesus, you’re not the boss of me!”
Peter had just spent the night trying to catch fish to provide for his family and wasn’t successful. He was probably tired and frustrated and wasn’t in the mood for someone to have him go back out into the water, let alone fish. Peter may have been repairing, cleaning, and stowing away his nets for the day. Then the crowds show up. I imagine someone bumps into him, causing him to drop his tools and net, increasing anxiety and frustration. Add to this being hungry and exhausted from tossing nets only to retrieve them empty. Now, we begin to understand how much he didn’t want to cast the net, just one more time. We get a hint of this when Peter explains to Jesus they’d tried all night without any fish being caught.
When we’re in this condition – frustrated, tired and exhausted – we don’t like to do what we’re told. But, Peter complies! His tired legs lift him from kneeling in the boat, and his exhausted arms and hands throw the net out of the boat, fully expecting to draw the net in empty, without fish. In James 1:22-25, James says that being a doer is a facet of hearing. We are to hear…and do. There’s a reason doing must closely follow hearing. If we don’t act upon what we hear, we’ll soon forget. Let’s learn from Peter. Even if we really don’t feel like doing what we’ve been told, for one reason or another, or for a dozen reasons, we should do whatever Jesus asks us to do. The result of our acting upon what we hear might just prove fruitful!
Reflection and Response
Take a few minutes to consider the areas of your life where you feel hesitant to obey. Write out a prayer of confession and surrender.
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By Rich Obrecht
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