Welcome to South Students

South Students exists to provide a place for 6th-12th graders to explore, experience, and grow with Jesus together in community.


South Students

South Students is a group of middle and high school students seeking to live in the way of Jesus with the heart of Jesus. We are committed to welcoming students of all backgrounds into our conversations and community.

Join us in the Student Center on Wednesday nights from 6:30-8:30pm for intentional worship and relevant teaching in a fun and supportive environment. On Sunday mornings, we have a high school Breakfast Bible Study from 10-11am in the Student Center, we worship together in the main service from 10:00-10:20am, and then middle school gathers in the Student Center from 10:20-11:15am for teaching and small groups.

Be sure to follow us on Instagram to see what we’re up to!

South Students Events

“The reason I enjoy South is because the community is so accepting. I came to this church about 8 years ago and from the day I walked in the community was so accepting, and then when I got to youth, it just got better, I tried a couple other churches, and I could never really click with the other students, but then I got to south and everything I changed, I felt so accepted, and like I have never felt before in any other church, that is why I love South.”

Roman, South Student

“Deeply thankful for Nathan and Sean.”

Anonymous, South Parent

“My experience with South Students is seeing the community of students come together. We’ve been through a lot of changes together, but we stuck close and got through it. I have made friendships there that will last me long after I graduate. I have definitely seen God at work with South Students because even though we have faced a lot of hard times, we have grown through them and become more resilient people that rely on God and others. We have learned how to be vulnerable with one another because we all need that support from our fellow peers at South Students. I wouldn’t be the same person without South Students, and I am so grateful for the community and support that I have found there.”

Rylie, South Student

“I am incredibly excited by the direction and heart of the South Student ministry. Students are being challenged to support each other, learning to serve the broader community, and demonstrating love and respect to people across different life situations. It is beautiful to see South Students developing in their faith and growing in their courage and strength to live in His way with His heart.”

Kevin R., South Students Volunteer

“The [leaders] make a point to contact me throughout the week, they’re always reaching out; they’re just the best people.”

Tree P., South Student

“[I appreciate the] sincerity and commitment of the [Student] leaders. My 16-year-old made it clear that he did not want to attend youth group. He attended once and now insists on attending every week.”

Todd S., South Parent

“I like the [South Students] community. Many of my friends are on the Students Worship Team, and we have so much fun.”

Ivy G., South Student

“I’m still pretty new to volunteering in the South youth ministry, but I really love the students I’ve been getting to know. I’m excited to see them grow and mature and to deepen relationship with them over time.”

Megan E., South Students Volunteer

“Everyone knew how to play [the games] because they had been here before, but they welcomed me and taught me how to play…it was amazing!”

Micah B., South Student
Have questions? Not sure where to start?

Interested in volunteering with South Students? Fill out our Serve at South form.