Come, behold the works of the Lord,
how he has brought desolations on the earth.
He makes wars cease to the end of the earth;
he breaks the bow and shatters the spear;
he burns the chariots with fire. Psalm 46:8-9
The first words in these verses are “Come, Behold”. The author of this Psalm has experienced difficulties and God’s answer to them. The historical context could be the threat of annihilation by Assyria, and then Israel seeing the victory secured by the Angel of the Lord (2 Chronicles 32). The Psalmist encourages coming nearer to God. He pauses to survey all the great doings of the divine hand. He recognizes the battle was the Lord’s and the Lord won. What did you find yourself doing first when the world pandemic news came?
These verses have fighting words. They allude to Israel’s escape from Egypt and Pharaoh’s chariots (Exodus 14-15), to the battles of Joshua (Joshua 5:13-14) and King Jehosophat (2 Chronicles 20:12-19). King Jehosophat prayed, “we are powerless against this multitude coming against us, nor do we know what to do, but our eyes are on you”. God answered, “Do not fear or be dismayed, for the Lord is with you.” All these events recorded for us to read and study are the mighty works God accomplished on behalf of his people.
When calamity and chaos seem to overtake us, let our first action be to come and get nearer to God. When distress and danger loom large let our first action be to gaze upon the Lord. Remember every time he’s been faithful to you. Recall his faithfulness to his people in the past, therefore he will be faithful to them in the future. He is worthy of our trust. His power is sufficient, his power complete. He is always at work in every situation. Do you blog or journal? Take some time to look back at God’s hand at work in your life or start a survey now. Share his works of faithfulness with someone.
By Donna Burns