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Alertness makes us aware of temptations, more resistant to pressure, and careful in our responsibilities.
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Read 1 Peter 5:6-9
Hide and seek is an all time favorite childhood game. Kids love to play it with a parent, a friend, or even a babysitter. For some reason, the thrill of hiding, being found, and then being chased fills kids with howls of delight. Perhaps knowing it’s just a game and bonding with the person chasing you makes it fun. But, what if you were being chased and you didn’t even know it? That’s what our enemy is hoping for because he’s described as a lion chasing someone whom he may devour.
Peter lovingly warns his church to be on the lookout. The devil’s chasing us all the time. He is determined to destroy us and everything the Kingdom of God is trying to build. Destruction is his goal for every healthy church, family, and marriage relationship. Damage beyond repair is his desire for your reputation, your dreams, and your life. Often the devil employs the covert strategy to destroy us. He tempts us to chase “good things.” The world does have many good things to offer, but as long as we’re distracted with other pursuits, the enemy can succeed in his theft, murder, and disastrous results.
Satan’s out to steal, kill, and destroy our satisfaction and contentment. And, we become vulnerable to his attacks when we’re less vigilant. When we’re alone, feeling weak or walking through suffering, we can become focused on our own troubles. In these times, we forget to watch for danger. Alertness makes us aware of temptations, more resistant to pressure, and careful in our responsibilities. No one wants to be chased and destroyed, but the devil is conniving. We must be sober-minded and watchful as Peter advises knowing the enemy’s threat to destroy is real.
If the enemy is sneaking around today, and he’s on a mission to steal, kill and destroy you, vigilance will be essential. Think through your day and ask yourself where the enemy might strategically place himself to reek the most destruction in your day. Use Ephesians 6:10-18 to pray the Armor of God over your life before you go into those particular battles.
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By Donna Burns
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