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Baby Jesus opens a new day with new life.
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Read Ephesians 2:4-9
Every morning, there’s a point when indigo floods the horizon and the sun first breaks through the darkness. Rays of light begin to blaze. The first spring of a new day. It’s dawn. Unlike the moon, which comes and goes in phases, the sun rises every morning without fail. The dawn is evidence of God’s unfailing love. A love that shines like the day-spring and a beautiful gift we simply receive.
Christmas is also a day-spring. Jesus’ birth is one point on the horizon of history where human destiny is changed forever. God, motivated by love, sent his son from heaven to be the Savior of the world – to pierce every sinful heart with the light of his forgiveness. Just like we can do nothing to bring or stop the dawn, there’s nothing we can do to earn, buy or change God’s love. He is the source of love, and he gives it graciously to all who are willing to receive it.
Creation speaks of God’s love. Not only does God go to such lengths to create the beautiful dawn each day, but he reveals his never-failing, always-shining love for us. As Ephesians 2 explains, “But God… because of the great love with which he loved us… made us alive together with Christ—by grace you have been saved— and raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus.” Baby Jesus opens a new day with new life. He is the day-spring and offers us the light of his love and forgiveness. This is the greatest evidence of God’s love. Jesus is God’s greatest gift of love for you.
The Love of God, is an old hymn written by Frederick Lehman. The last verse reads, “Could we with ink the ocean fill / And were the skies of parchment made / Were every stalk on earth a quill / And every man a scribe by trade / To write the love of God above / Would drain the ocean dry / Nor could the scroll contain the whole / Though stretched from sky to sky.” Every person’s story adds to the story of God’s love. Write out what you would say about the love of God if you were given ink and scroll.
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By Donna Burns
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