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Jesus carried 100% grace and 100% truth wherever he went.
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Read John 1:14-18
Some people in this world carry a room-changing presence. A person of great stature or intentional body language can masterfully command attention. Another person filled with joy can splendidly illuminate a room. Others have the surprising ability to disarm you with just one glance steeped in genuine compassion. There is something about these kind of people. They seem to carry a weight of influence – a weight of glory.
Hebrews 1 describes Jesus as having the “radiance of God’s glory.” Yet, he lived in an earthen vessel like you and me. He had human skin while carrying the weight of God’s glory, fully God and fully human. It’s fascinating to imagine what this might have looked like or felt like. But glory is one of those words that escapes us. It’s hard to define or nail down because it’s mysterious, elusive, and ethereal. That’s also what makes it so glorious and why people walked away utterly amazed after meeting Jesus.
So, what was it about Jesus that made his presence elicit such a response? For the woman at the well, it was his perfectly unified simplicity. In that moment, his perfection of love was palpable – through the simultaneous reality of offering both grace and truth. Jesus carried 100% grace and 100% truth wherever he went. Just stop and think about this for a moment. There is a weight when you encounter someone who is 100% truth – but without grace this weight is cruel. There is also a weight when you encounter someone who is 100% grace – but without truth it’s disingenuous. Jesus was both at the exact same time. That weight would have been glorious to encounter first-hand in the flesh. Thankfully, we can experience this glory every time we go to Jesus in confession and repentance. We can know the weight of his glory by encountering his perfectly unified simplicity of grace and truth.
Imagine the radiance of Jesus’ glory appearing in the form of 100% grace and 100% truth. As you follow Jesus, pray for this same glory and Jesus’ character to radiant through you into the world today.
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By Yvonne Biel
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