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My help comes from the Lord,
who made heaven and earth.
Yesterday, we explored the importance of asking the question, where does my help come from? Today, in verse two, we find the beautiful answer. Our support comes from something far more majestic than mountains. Our help comes from the maker of the mountains.
However, there’s an underlying concern in verse one. Is God sufficient to offer the help we need? And the answer in verse two, is a resounding, yes! When biblical writers describe God as the maker of heaven and earth, they’re referring to God’s complete power and authority. Not only is God the creator of the mountains, he also formed the valleys, the rivers, the feet we walk on, and the heat of the sun that warms our skin. He made it all. Therefore, he is the one we put our hope in.
When we place our hope in the “maker of heaven and earth,” our hope rests in the one who can sustain the weight of all our needs. When we turn to the maker of all resources, we have every resource at our disposal. When we worship the Creator and interact with his world as He intends, we access his goodness – which he deposited for our benefit.
The only concern left is whether God actually wants to offer His help. Then, we turn to Romans 5:8. Paul says, “God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Not only does our God have access to all because he created it, he offers it freely to us from a place of love. If we doubt his love, we can see it in his actions toward us. Jesus, who came to die on our behalf while we were “still sinners” is reason enough to claim God as our sufficient Help. When we chose God, we gain everything. Today, rewrite this psalm as a personal prayer asking God for the specific help you need. Recognize he has all the resources and love he needs to meet your need.[/vc_column_text][us_separator height=”25px” size=”custom”][vc_column_text 0=””]
By Aaron Bjorklund
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