Read Mark 13:24-37

We’ve all witnessed the signals of seasonal change. Here in Colorado, fall is welcomed with golden groves, winter brings flurries of snow, and spring blossoms in colorful array. For those in Israel, fig trees always signal that summer is near. Just as seasons bring about warnings of change, we anticipate signals of Christ’s return. The sun and moon will darken, the Son of Man will come in the clouds, and angels will appear throughout the earth.

This is our hope as followers of Jesus. We hope in Jesus’ promised return. He said it himself: “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also” (John 14:3). And yet we wait. We wait until that day when Jesus comes to complete his redemptive story. We wait for the day when we’ll see Jesus face-to-face and bask in his glory forever.

Though we cannot change God’s plan, we can surrender to it. Though we cannot know the day or hour, we can pray for his return to come quickly. Though we cannot control the signals of change, we can stay alert to God’s perfect timing. And though we cannot ease the challenge of tribulation, we can anticipate the experience of full comfort as he wraps us up in loving embrace. We surrender, pray, stay alert, and anticipate — because God is always true to his word.

Reflection and Response

Revelation 22:20 says, “He who testifies to these things says, ‘Surely I am coming soon.’ Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.” This is the very last prayer recorded in the Word of God. Take a few moments to make this prayer your own: Come, Lord Jesus.

By Yvonne Biel  

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