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So the Lord saved Israel that day. And the battle passed beyond Beth-aven. – 1 Samuel 14:23
In a generation of global philanthropic causes and entrepreneurial start-up businesses, we celebrate those who bring creative ideas to the table and we honor those ideas which influence our world for good. Now, many of us chase the dream of being that guy or that girl who goes down in the history books for leading a movement. We want the secret recipe for changing the world, so we read books on how to start an uprising, how to win friends, influence people, and how to inspire others to take action.
However, when we look back, we’ll notice how oftentimes the person who sparks a movement never sets out with such grand intention. People such as Dalai Lama, Rosa Parks, Albert Einstein, and Steve Jobs all took part in their own kind of movement without knowing what would result. I doubt Jonathan, in 1 Samuel 14, anticipated what would take place because of his actions either. Certainly, each person mentioned had hopes of what could be but all they ever did was set out to complete the work set before them. They used their moments to do the right thing, to take the risk, or to remain faithful to the task at hand.
The same is true for us. Whether we’re young or old, male or female, brilliant or mad, every one of us has been given moments of decision, tasks to remain faithful to, and opportunities to be influential. We all have a unique sphere of influence. What we do with our moments both good or bad are important. Even when we’re not the person to instigate or take the first move, we lead by standing together with a cause greater than ourselves. Imagine what might result when believers stand together in obedience to God’s word and risk their reputations for the sake of Christ. Watch this short TEDTalk about starting a movement and pray for what action you might take to join the movement Jesus began many years ago.[/vc_column_text][us_separator height=”25px” size=”custom”][vc_column_text]
By Yvonne Biel
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