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My son, be attentive to my words; incline your ear to my sayings. Let them not escape from your sight; keep them within your heart. For they are life to those who find them. And healing to all their flesh. – Proverbs 3:20-22
God’s designed us as holistic people. This means every aspect of our being is connected. How we feel emotionally, mentally, relationally, and physically are fundamentally linked. Doctors, counselors, personal trainers, and even massage therapeutics would agree. Perhaps you notice this when stress at the office makes your head pound or your breathing irregular, when hunger fuels your impatience, when fear of what others might think makes you sweat, when relational tension tightens up your stomach muscles, when dwelling on worry keeps you up at night, when heart-break gives you heartburn, and when un-forgiveness, resentment, or bitterness leaves a sourness inside.
Our bodies are one of the loudest instruments to help us recognize what’s going on inside our souls. Like instruments, our bodies become out-of-tune and we must pay attention to when they need maintenance. Unlike instruments, we must address the problem in a holistic manner because we’re dealing with a holistic problem, connected to our heart and soul. This means when our bodies tell us something’s wrong, there’s not always a quick and easy fix. It requires intentional listening and asking God to reveal the root of the problem (i.e. jealousy, un-forgiveness, pride, idolatry, etc.). It also requires applying daily doses of proactive care over a long period of time (i.e. eating healthy, exercising, being honest, doing what is right).
According to Proverbs, holistic healing comes from inclining our ears to God’s wisdom and living in alignment with it. Walking in wisdom is a life-long journey as well as a daily one. Take some time to listen to God by paying attention to your physical signs today. Just please note, not all physical trouble is caused by foolishness. We live in a world affected by a curse. But because our souls are connected to our physical bodies, we can be mindful of how they’re related. As you think through how your body is feeling, ask yourself: How am I sleeping at night? Am I more tense than usual? Do I have stress-related aches?” What’s my body trying to tell me? Then, talk with the Lord about the source of these physical indicators.[/vc_column_text][us_separator height=”25px” size=”custom”][vc_column_text 0=””]
By Yvonne Biel
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