When my life was fainting away,
I remembered the Lord,
and my prayer came to you,
into your holy temple.
Jonah 2:7
Oh, I love a good walk. Whether it’s a brisk morning walk as the world awakens or a hike with my energetic kids, or strolling hand in hand with my husband as the light fades from another day. Why is walking so enjoyable to me? One of the reasons is because I feel free. I can stretch, I can move, I can enjoy fresh air. Can you picture the opposite experience Jonah was having in the pitch black, stench-filled, closed in belly of the whale? Nowhere to go, nowhere to turn but to the God who has limitless power and authority.
Today, take a walk. It could be around your neighborhood, down the hall or in your favorite spot outdoors. As you breathe in fresh air remind yourself of the freedom you have to live and to follow after Jesus’ heart. Remember the Lord as Jonah did. Remember his promises to you. Remember his kindness. Remember his relentless pursuit when you were in your own version of a whale (perhaps trapped in addiction, stress, or despair). Remember his compassion and forgiveness. And as you walk, may your prayer rise to his holy temple. Though he may feel far away, trust as the Psalmist did that he is near to those who call on him in truth (Psalm 145:18).
Should you encounter others on your prayer walk why not whisper a prayer for them? Ask God to meet them in their darkest hours and cause their eyes to be lifted to his holy temple. Pray for God’s deliverance from whatever trap they may be in today.
By Ellen Rosenberger