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Proverbs 3:5-6
5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.
6 In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.
As usual, our writing team met to plan 5 days of devotionals centered around the text from Sunday’s sermon. The text is a familiar one to many. Most people have heard it in one translation or another. It would have been super easy to simply focus on some of the obvious words in the passage; trust, lean, acknowledge, etcetera. But one of the team members asked a profound question that caused us all to stop and look again. Billy asked, why should we trust and why should we not lean on our own understanding? As a side note, it is questions like these that open a soul up to truly engaging scripture. If we always interpret texts the way we are expected to, we never let our hearts interact with the content. So, why should we trust in the Lord?
There are times in life when the complexity of a decision is beyond us. These tend to be the biggest, scariest decisions we face. Things like where to find a job, how to meet a spouse, how to care for an aging parent, and where to move. It’s easier to stop leaning on our understanding when we become overwhelmed with the possibilities. Only God can know all the factors. We need him when we reach the end of our understanding. Deciding if God can be trusted is a task for a different text but my point is not that. We all reach the limits of our own abilities. We will all trust something for answers. Our limits are part of being human.
So why trust? We must trust something because we need help. Ideally we should trust in someone who has infinite understanding and capacity to care for us. There is still one problem. We don’t always reach the end of our own understanding, or at least we don’t feel like we do. If we want the faith and resolve to trust God in the big things of life, we must establish that pattern of trust in the little things in life. Trust and faith are muscles that can’t handle the weight of big life issues if they have not first been flexed in the daily things. Is it hard for you to trust? Take a few moments and ask yourself if you are learning the pattern of trust in the daily things so that it becomes easier when the big things come.
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By Aaron Bjorklund
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