Angela Dunn
Women’s Formation Resident
Angela Dunn has called Colorado home since 1997, with only a brief stint of four years back East. She is a herald for Christ, proclaiming the presence and work of God in the midst of the beauty and mess of life. She is a speaker, spiritual director, speech coach, and singer. She is excited to serve the women of South through the role of Women’s Formation Resident. She received her undergraduate and master’s degrees from Baylor University and is pursuing a Master of Divinity at Denver Seminary. She and her husband, Jonathan, have been married for 30 years and have two amazing daughters. She enjoys walking no matter the outside temperature, tea with cream, mountain biking with her hubby, a good nap, dark chocolate, and movies and books featuring historical fiction.
Contact Angela for:
anything related to Women’s Formation, Women’s Bible studies, and MOPS.
Office Hours:
Tues: 9am-3pm
Weds: 9am-2pm