How do you feel about the direction the world is headed? Is it getting better, or is it getting worse? On one hand, we can connect with anybody, anytime and almost anywhere, share our thoughts and creativity with the world, and average life expectancy increases yearly.
On the other hand, there is a darker side. Anxiety and depression are at record levels, families are broken and hurting, homelessness is increasing, and people are struggling to get by. Social media quickly shares terrifying news stories around the globe, making us feel helpless. We seem to lurch from one crisis to another! Is this what it is to be human?
As followers of Jesus, we’re called to be salt and light to this world. This task can be daunting, overwhelming, and at times, leave us apathetic. The world longs to be shown a better way to live, but aren’t we wrestling with the same struggles and problems they are? Does the church matter at all?
We invite you to journey with us over the next several weeks as we dig into the chaotic world we find ourselves in and discover how Jesus calls his people to respond to the current crisis.