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These publications are meant to accompany our sermon series and help you continue to engage with scripture throughout the week. Want to receive these devotionals via email? Subscribe below!

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Ryan Paulson

As I was preparing for a message that I am teaching on community, I ran across this quote. I think Calvin is right on here: “The human mind is a factory of idols. When all...

Ryan Paulson

Isn’t it true that the moments we want to freeze seem to fly by the fastest? I never really have understood why that is, but it proves true time after time. Over Christmas I had the chance...

Ryan Paulson

I love watching Christmas movies. Here is a quick list of my top few favorites. Feel free to add to my list. Christmas Vacation – absolutely hilarious A Christmas Story – You’ll shoot your eye...

Ryan Paulson

The other night we took the college group down to downtown San Diego to go ice-skating and have dinner together. Have you ever just had one of those nights where nothing goes right? This was...

Ryan Paulson

Last year my uncle showed me a website that let’s you set up free, customized, and commercial free online radio stations. You just give them the name of an artist you like and they create...

Ryan Paulson

This past weekend I gave a message on what it means to have freedom in Christ – and freedom in our lives. I am just blown away that the God of the Bible in no...

Ryan Paulson

I was studying for a message last week and I was speaking on joy. We are going through a series this Christmas season called ‘Wait of the World’ and we are looking at all the...

Ryan Paulson

I recently got the newest Robbie Seay Band CD – Give Yourself Away. This is a really good CD, it’s one of those that you can listen to all the way through. However, we were...

Ryan Paulson

Well, I was a little bit embarrassed after I predicted a Rockies win and they went out to get swept in the world series. I took about a month off to recover, but now I’m...

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