
Week 02

Podcast Episode


By Alex Walton & Aaron Bjorklund In addition to our daily devotional readings we also produce a weekly podcast in which we discuss the previous Sunday’s sermon topic. Over the next few weeks we will [...]

Podcast Episode2022-11-11T20:08:06-07:00

Jesus in Nazareth


Mark 6:1-5, Matthew 13:54-58 and Luke 4:14-37 - all tell about Jesus returning to his hometown, Nazareth, in the early days of his public ministry. Just a Carpenter He left there and returned to [...]

Jesus in Nazareth2022-11-12T10:12:44-07:00

Totally Awesome!


Today’s full story is found in Mark 5:1-20, Luke 8:26-39, and Matthew 8:28-34. In all three gospels, the encounter I’ll talk about took place after Jesus unsettled his disciples by instantly calming a storm [...]

Totally Awesome!2022-11-11T19:46:37-07:00
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