Week 06

Faith Couple


Therefore, the promise comes by faith, so that it may be by grace and may be guaranteed to all Abraham's offspring—not only to those who are of the law but also to those who [...]

Faith Couple2023-05-20T10:16:31-06:00

Impossible Promise


A few years ago, I was in Paris enjoying one of my favorite activities, window shopping. Strolling in a neighborhood with many small and interesting stores, one display caught my eye. In this window [...]

Impossible Promise2023-05-20T09:49:15-06:00

Course Correction and Hope


Have you known someone who repeatedly makes poor, harmful, or irresponsible choices? Those choices often have consequences for themselves and for their family and friends. Jeremiah and many of the other Old Testament prophets were [...]

Course Correction and Hope2023-04-01T22:22:21-06:00
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