When our devotional team considered fasting from food we tossed around a number of non-food ideas. One was refraining from toxic attitudes. Another was taking a break from social and other media. These exercises seem very beneficial. So, could they be possible substitutions for fasting from food?

As we continued our discussion, I was drawn to research the idea whether those options exist in the biblical definition of fasting. Here are the results of my probe — admittedly brief.

I perused scripture to find practices that wouldn’t infringe on my eating habits. I came up empty as dozens of fasting references in scripture all include abstaining from food in one way or another. 

I also did an internet search using “what is fasting”. The results were overwhelming – fasting is irretrievably linked with forgoing food. Attempts to redefine this universal (secular, medical, and every religious), time-honored practice is speculative at best. 

Conclusion: no viable “fasting” alternatives exist, that circumvent giving our innards a rest so we have uninterrupted time to converse with Jesus on concerns he wants to highlight. A famous commercial urges, “Just Do It!”.  Don’t convolute fasting — lecture to myself. Normal biblical fasting is straightforward — missing just one meal or an entire day of eating.

Caveat: if prompted to prepare for a longer fast, it’s very wise to study helpful tips from experienced people. Furthermore, observe time-honored precautions regarding the needs of young children, nursing mothers, the elderly, or those experiencing certain types of illness. 

Some special-purpose fasts led by the Holy Spirit could be categorized this way: 

Supernatural Fast: No food or water (Moses on Mount Sinai, Exodus 34:28-35; Esther 4:16; and Jesus in the wilderness, Matthew 4:1-4).

Standard Fast: No food, only water or liquids (Joel 2:12,15; Ezra 8:21-23; Acts 13:2; Esther 4:16; and many other examples).

Partial Fast: No choice foods or meats. (Daniel 10:3)

Here’s a short video (1:35 minutes) from the Bible Project designed to help us more fully engage in and benefit from this biblical practice as a regular part of walking with Jesus.  

“Just Do It!”  

by Kathleen Petersen