Collide magazine (a great read by the way) wrote an article in this last issue about what they think church will look like in 2034. I thought they had some interesting insights. They think that networks of churches will continue to grow in place of denominationalism. They also think that mid-sized churches will be meeting in pubs, movie theaters, clubs, etc. instead of owing church building themselves.
I thought that their most interesting prediction was in the area of worship music. They said that they think music will take a far less prominent place in the service, while interactive and visual arts will replace it. I’m not sure about this prediction, but it’s interesting to think about none-the-less. Here is what they wrote, “Another significant shift in worship music for the 2034 church is the widespread disappearance of “worship pastor” as a full-time staff position. This coincides with worship music’s decrease in prominence in a typical worship service and the new emphasis on visual media and interactive web experiences.”
Here is a link to the whole article. Anyway, I’d love to know what you think about their predictions.