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if you’re convinced Jesus is the CHRIST, you’ll be determined to find Jesus
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Read Matthew 16:13-17
If you stop and consider what the people around you are saying about Jesus, you’ll find a plethora of philosophies and worldviews competing for your allegiance. Just stand on top of Lookout Mountain and the Denver landscape will reveal the domes of world religions – Buddhist temples, Islamic mosques, Mormon spires, and centers of cultural humanism. Followers of Jesus have to intentionally fight to hold on to a Biblical worldview in a postmodern, post-Christian, post-truth world. Everyone has an opinion, and as much as people try to ignore Jesus, push him o to the margins of life, he still proves himself to be the central figure of humanity and the most controversial person in human history.
Scattered all around Caesarea Philippi were magnificent palaces to Roman governors, temples to Syrian gods, places where Greek gods were believed to be born and Jewish history from the mouth of the Jordan River. In Matthew 16, it’s as if Jesus gives his disciples a test of all he’d taught them. He sets himself against the background of world religions and asks them who identify who he is. Peter responds personally, with a profound confession that has echoed down through the centuries. “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God” (Matthew 16:16). Jesus arms and states that this truth was revealed to Peter by the Father Himself, giving by divine authority.
Amidst the competing religions of the day and the personal obstacles that deter people from meeting Jesus, nothing, not the crowd, not his small stature, nor rejection could stop Zaccheus from climbing a tree to see Jesus personally. Nothing could stop the blind man from crying out for Jesus. Whether climbing or crying, both did whatever was needed, to not only know about Jesus, but to encounter him face-to- face. Now, we all encounter people and ideas of our day competing for our attention and distracting us from encountering Jesus face-to-face. But, no matter what obstacles may be in our way, if you’re convinced Jesus is the Christ, you’ll be determined to find Jesus, to acknowledge God’s work and to confess him as the reigning King and Lord of your life.
Reflection and Response
Take a few minutes to review your normal daily schedule. Recognize the people, things, or ideas competing for your attention and distracting you from encountering Jesus face-to-face.
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By Donna Burns
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