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That Extra Special Baby Announcement

by Don Owsley


From Luke 2:4-20.

What a rich story. Actually, it is a baby announcement and obviously unlike any other. It is a supernatural one that announces the birth of a king and what he brings with him.  Notice four awesome things in this special report:

First, it is from the extraterrestrial.

            God sends out-of-this-world beings to deliver the birth announcement. Why? Because this king is from out of this world.  He is God.  At the same time, King Jesus is from this world. He is human. Even more, this special Being brings with him an out-of-this-world kingdom. It is from a different dimension called heaven that he brings with him to earth.

Second, it is by the extra ordinary.

            The shepherds were going about their business during the night shift. That was a time when shepherds were on high alert. Lions, thieves and wolves loved taking advantage of the dark to steal away as many sheep as possible. It’s dark. Very dark. The only light they had came from fire, the moon, flickering stars, and perhaps the light of the distant village.

            Pop! An extraordinary thing happened when this alien suddenly appeared out of nowhere. He not only popped in but he was glowing in the dark! Glowing brilliant mega lumens of God’s radiant beauty.  No modern delivery system could ever top this one.

            While the shepherds were adjusting their eyes and calming their hearts a whole army of lustrous aliens pop in and cry out in unison, “Glory to God in the highest and on earth, peace among hose with whom he is pleased!”   How extraordinary!

            Christmas is about an extraordinary Being bringing an extraordinary new world in an extraordinary way that spotlights the radiant beauty of our awesome God.

Third, it is to the extra-lowly.

            The announcement did not go to the highest civic officials, the elite, religiously upright and the rich in the normal way. In that day, it was common knowledge that only such people enter God’s kingdom. In a humiliating way, God sent his angels to deliver the most important message to a bunch of lowly and poor, migrant field workers! The high and mighty God rebuffs the world’s high and mighty and delivers the great news to the lowly and weak.

            Christmas is about the highest God who became lowly to bring his kingdom to the lowly that he would raise up them up to God’s highest place.


Finally, it is about the extra special!

            Unlike our baby announcements, this is about the arrival of someone extra special.  Jesus fulfills the prophecy that Israel’s rescuing king will be of the line of their greatest king, David, from his city, to sit on the greatest throne. He will be the Messiah, a shepherd-king to lead his people in God’s kingdom. This infant will also be the only Savior of the world. The extra-special Christmas message is about King Jesus who left his crown to bear our cross so that through the Cross we would wear his crown.

This is the Greatest. Birth. Announcement. Ever!  Have you received it?  Have you also received this King?

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