This weekend we are going to be starting a new series looking (over the next 3 weeks) at the words that Jesus said on the cross. Through all 4 gospels, we only have 7 statements that he made. We have to assume that these utterances were important.
The first statement we are looking at is, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me.” As I thought about this amazing cry of Jesus, there were a few things that came to my mind. First, the trinity was separated for the first time… ever. I had a theology prof that used to say that we in the west see the trinity as a problem to solve – when in reality it should be a mystery to enjoy. We serve a relational God. Embedded within this cry is the pain of relational agony. The father and son separated. The second thing that I thought about was the way that Jesus actually became sin for us (2 Cor 5:21). What an amazing truth, and yet I really can’t wrap my arms around the concept.
I think that one of the things I resonate with most about these cries of Jesus is that we have a God who can relate. We have a God who can relate to loneliness, pain, a broken heart, etc. Our God can relate to where we are at. What a wonderful truth.
My hope this year is that we don’t journey so quickly to the open tomb that we fail to see the crucified savior. I think that especially evangelicals (maybe protestants in general) are so quick to pass by the crucifixion. This year, let’s really think about the sacrifice that God made in order to make a way for us to be with him. Jesus took the separation that we truly deserved.