Today as I prayed through our #seekGodSouth prayer Guide I was blessed to remember that we have access to God because of Jesus. I wrote this little poem as I meditated on that truth:
Who may ascend into the hill of the LORD? And who may stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart. -Psalm 24:3-4
Stained I am
With the ink of selfishness
Stained I am
With the spots of prideful sin
Stained I am
With a lust for earthy things
Stained I am and How
How can I
Enter in your presence Lord
How can I
Gaze upon your glorious face
How can I
Hope for your communion sweet
How can I? By You.
Pure I am
By your life so purely lived
Pure I am
By your death my debt you paid
Pure I am
By your resurrection life
Pure I am. BY You.
Entering in
To your glorious presence Lord
Entering in
To comune and celebrate
Entering in
To find my rest in You
Entering into prayer.