Listening to God’s Voice

Priming the Pump


Those of us who want to hear God’s voice as clearly as possible go to the well of Scripture frequently to “prime the pump” of living water into our hearts and enhance our daily conversations with him.

Priming the Pump2023-02-04T17:53:13-07:00

Pray and Listen Continually


I Thessalonians 5:17 instructs us to “pray continually.” Elijah, a prophet, a man of God who heard from God in incredible ways as well as in ordinary everyday kinds of ways, even so, became scared; he ran for his life, and had difficulty hearing from God because of it. Are we any different?

Pray and Listen Continually2023-02-04T20:41:08-07:00

God Listens


Prayer - having a conversation with God - is something the Bible says anyone is able to do. Do you ever wonder if God speaks more clearly to other people than He does to you? Do you ever question your ability to discern God’s voice?

God Listens2023-02-04T20:04:44-07:00
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