When I first moved to California I had no idea what radio station to listen to… nobody does when they move to a new city. I heard a bunch of my friends talking about the Mikey morning show, so I decided to tune in and check it out. I really started to like the show. It’s real, it doesn’t seem forced, it’s hilarious, and it’s clean. What more could I ask for in my 5 minute commute?
I had heard that Mikey was a Christian, but I didn’t really know what that meant to him and how his faith impacted his life. As I listened to the show longer, started to notice that Mikey’s faith really did effect the way that he looked at issues that people would call in asking about. But, the amazing thing about Mikey is that he has the ability to speak to issues (and into people’s lives), with his viewpoint as a follower of Christ out in the open, but in a way that allows him to keep the respect of his listening audience. That’s a rarity in our day and age. Every Friday he shares his testimony and it is a powerful reminder of God’s grace and redemption.
All of those things caused us to want to bring Mikey in to share with our church. So, on Friday September 11th at 7:00pm, Mikey is coming to EFCC. We are stoked to have him. Anyway, I’d encourage you to come and invite someone to come with you. It’s going to be a great (and free) evening!