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We were made for one another
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Then the Lord God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.” – Genesis 2:18
Loneliness is epidemic. According to Stephen Marche, in the May 2012 Atlantic, loneliness is the result of the breakdown of American society. He wonders how this can be when the “web of connections” has grown broader while somehow remaining shallower, and he concludes individuals are now more isolated than ever before while being more accessible than ever imagined.
As we look into the creation of man, we see that humans are made in the image of the triune Godhead and made as social beings. All of creation was declared good and very good until God saw Adam’s loneliness. When God sees that Adam is in need of human fellowship, he declares being alone, “not good.” It seems loneliness is a natural human experience before the fall, but our human condition is social. So, alone-ness is a reality. It is possible to be alone even with others, or in marriage, but we were made for one another. God acted out of his love and compassion, meeting this need by creating a woman for companionship. She not only shared Adam’s life in marriage, but in communication, in his work, and in responsibility as well!
We all experience loneliness at one point or another. But, what do we do when we feel lonely? Well, you can start by acknowledging your creation as a social being. You’re designed for a vertical relationship with God, and he is always with you. He doesn’t want you to be alone. God can be your friend when you find yourself alone. But, you’re also designed for horizontal relationships. You can ask God to help you reach out to another human being. It might feel difficult, but it will be worth the push that’s needed to contact someone. Remember, God made the first move and you can too. Reaching out to someone else could become a special connection between you both. Trust God to satisfy your social needs just as God did Adam’s. South Fellowship is starting new LifeGroups called Rooted. Give yourself the gift of fellowship by signing up for one today.[/vc_column_text][us_separator height=”25px” size=”custom”][vc_column_text]
By Donna Burns
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