As I was preparing for the message that I’m going to give at South Fellowship Church on Sunday, I was reminded of two books that have made a HUGE difference in my life. These are two books that have helped me process the implications for living a life that is centered (practically) on the gospel. The gospel isn’t just something that gets us in the door of faith; it’s something that carries us the whole way. If you’re like me and you grew up in a church culture that was built around trying not to sin, developing new behaviors, and attempting to please God; then these two books might be like water for your soul (they were to mine!). I’m constantly striving to think rightly about who I am, who Jesus is, and who I am in Him. I get caught up in a lot of thoughts that just simply aren’t true. These are two books that have helped me think on what’s true, and believe with conviction what scripture says about me and God.
This is one of my favorite books. I can remember the first time I read it – at first I didn’t know if I liked it. In fact, I wrestled with whether or not the message it delivered was even true. It felt like too much freedom was being offered to me. It felt like the good news was too good. I struggled to believe that God actually did look on me with favor and pleasure.
The Cure reads like a narrative in parts and reads like a lite theology book in parts. It lays out the choice we have between two different ways of interacting with God.
I loved this book! My guess is that if you’ve read it, you love it too.
This is a book that I just this week. It was recommended to me by someone in our church. I loved it! Alan Craft is a pastor in Greeley ,Colorado. He does an excellent job in this book of showing how the gospel can work for us in a practical way. He shows the reader how the gospel not only saves us, but also sanctifies us.
This book (both of them really) are very easy reads and accessible to anyone – no matter where they are at in their faith.
If you’ve read either or both of these books, I’d love to know what you think!
The message that I’m going to give this Sunday (that has been influenced by both of these books pretty heavily) is essentially the journey of how God saved my faith. I’m not sure where I would be without the conviction that the gospel carries me in a very real/daily way. I would have burned out of ministry for sure. At best I would probably be bitter – that I hadn’t achieved the things that I thought God wanted me to. And I would be carrying around sentiments of guilt and shame.
If that describes you, read either of these books. God might just use them to change your life!