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the disciples called to Jesus THROUGH the waves of the howling sea
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Read Mark 4:37-38
A.W. Tozer said, “What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.” I think where we turn in times of trouble is probably the next most important thing about us. Sometimes we find ourselves at the end of our proverbial rope, and we turn to a person, a place, a thing. And, where we turn will have life-changing outcomes.
Peter was an experienced fisherman as were his shipmates. They knew how to handle storms and their boat. They knew how to depend on each other and use their physical strength to hoist ropes all night long while fishing with heavy nets. In this story, one simple action of going to wake up Jesus results in an intense moment in their lives. The account doesn’t tell us if the disciples came to the end of their strength and resources. The story doesn’t say they stopped struggling against the storm and risked holding onto the rope even for one minute to run to Jesus in a panic. The story doesn’t say they were afraid of losing their boats or their lives. Yet, they made a decision, a choice to arouse the slumbering Jesus – the Master. The disciples called to Jesus through the waves of the howling sea. We don’t know what kind of help they were expecting Jesus to give, but it seemed they were out of options and knew they needed help only he could give.
What kind of storms are churning your boat? Do you find yourself in desperate need, at the end or your resources, with nowhere to go? It’s easy to depend on our expertise or our experience or on other people – especially when God is seemingly slumbering. Perhaps it seems like God hasn’t answered, that he’s unaware, uncaring, or not interested in your storm. But, God is intensely compassionate about your situation while his answer might not be what you’re expecting or wanting. Make your mind up today to take the risk of trusting Jesus in the crisis moments instead of other options.
Reflection and Response
Turn to Jesus today by asking him for his wisdom and discernment about a trial you’re facing. Share your trial with one other person who can come alongside and help you turn toward Jesus in prayer.
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By Donna Burns
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