Easter at South

Find ways to commemorate Jesus’ death and celebrate his resurrection this season.

APRIL 20TH, 9:00 & 10:45AM

Easter Sunday

Jesus once said, “Unless a seed falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a seed. But if it dies, it grows into something greater—a tree that brings life.” His followers didn’t realize it at the time, but He was speaking of His own death—the moment that would spark a kingdom revolution.

On the third day, that truth became reality. Nearly 2,000 years ago, an angel met two women at an empty tomb and declared, “He is not here—He is risen!” The grave could not hold Him, and through His victory over death, new life is offered to us all.

This Resurrection Sunday, we remember Jesus’ sacrifice and rejoice in His resurrection—the beginning of His kingdom made new! Join us as we celebrate our King.

Join us on April 20th at 9:00 or 10:45 for our Easter Sunday services at 6560 S Broadway in Littleton, CO.

Kids Ministry is available for ages 3 and under.

Our 10:45am service will also be available via livestream.

Additional Events


We have a large main parking lot on the west side of our strip mall, and additional parking by our Early Learning Center (southwest side) and our Food Bank entrance (northeast side).

Our Easter services tend to fill up quickly! We suggest arriving 15 minutes before the start of either service.

We’re so glad to have you! Feel free to help yourself to snacks and beverages in the church lobby upon your arrival. Staff and volunteers will be stationed at our main entrances and can help answer any questions you might have.

Kids 3 and under are welcome to attend South Kids, located just south of our main lobby (look for the “Family Check-in” sign above the doors). Kids ages PreK-5th grade are invited to grab an Easter Activity Packet (available at the Worship Center entrances) before heading into the service!

Our Easter services will consist of worship and a short message – about an hour long in total.

Also, be sure to stop by the “New Here” wall in the lobby before or after service. We’d love to meet you and give you a free gift!

Yes, we are ADA-accessible!