“My soul is cast down within me;
therefore I remember you” Psalm 42:6a
“Remember the former things long past,
For I am God, and there is no other;
I am God, and there is no one like Me,” Isaiah 46:9
Directional learning begins by looking backward.
Now wait… maybe you’re thinking, “Are you sure we should look backward? Jesus told us to put our hand to the plow and NOT look back (Luke 9:62). Paul told us to forget what’s behind to press on toward the upward call of God (Philippians 3:12-14). We sing songs about following Jesus – no turning back. And if we remember examples from the Old Testament, Lot’s wife became a pillar of salt for looking backward (Genesis 19).”
Please note, looking back is not turning back. When we turn toward Jesus away from our sin, we never want to revert back. However, in seasons of transition, we can heed God’s invitation to “remember” by taking stock of the past – yes even the painful parts. God commands us to “remember” over 250 times in the Scriptures – not to dwell on the past but to gain insight by remembering how God is redeeming our griefs. You’ve heard it said, “hindsight is 20/20” and remembering gives us clearer vision to step into the dynamic story God’s writing in us as a church body.
This week, our Daily team is going to lead you through a process of Lament. We will create space for you to feel the griefs of this past year and invite Jesus’ loving presence to tenderly meet you there. As we begin, here are a couple questions to start your journey of looking backward this week:
1. How easy or difficult is it for you to stop and look back on this last year? Why do you think that is?
2. Where have you felt loss/grief over the last 12 months? Think back over this year one month at a time. Note what loss/grief you felt and where joy was present in each month.
If you’d like some quiet space to do this reflection, stop by the Prayer Room on Monday or Thursday between the hours of 10AM-1PM or 5PM—7PM.
By Yvonne Biel