Doug & Nissy Family
East Asia
Children: Amber, Alisha, & Andrew
Key Verse: John 15:16
Ministry Focus: Doug & Nissy are min among the Nosu in East Asia. The Nosu are very receptive to the good news and often will come to know the L when they hear. Doug & Nissy especially want to encourage local C’ns, as they share their faith with others. They feel there is no greater joy than to see someone come to accept C. They are pr that all of the Nosu will have the opportunity to hear about C, and they are pr that a whole section of heaven will be filled with Nosu singing their praise songs on that Day.
Please pray for:
- good health and strength for our family.
- that our kids would absorb Chinese quickly in preschool and elementary school.
- endless opportunity to make C known to individuals and families.
- that friends, relatives & acquaintances would constantly come to know the L.