Daniel & Kimberly Shugert
Ogden, UT
Key Verse: Colossians 4:2-3a
Ministry Focus: Our work relates to making disciples, planting churches in Utah, and training emerging leaders and church planters across the western United States. Specifically, in Utah, we regularly engage with Latter-day Saints and those who have left the LDS church. We aim to help people develop a thriving relationship with the true Jesus while navigating the unique challenges common to those leaving the LDS church.
Please pray for:
- the Lord to open spiritual eyes to see deceptions.
- people to grow in trust and confidence in the Bible as God’s Word.
- local believers and former Mormon Christians to step up in leadership roles in the church and God’s mission.
- church-planters in Utah to understand the culture better and to engage in more strategic outreach to the lost.