Erin Layne
Littleton, CO
Key Verses: Matthew 22:37-40 & John 17:23
Ministry Focus: Erin is a staff care/leadership development specialist with Cru through GSA (meaning she serves Cru missionaries globally and raises her support through Global Service Associates). She specializes in individual staff development and coaching, team building, conflict resolution, crisis care, missionary debriefing, and global training and coaching of other Leadership Development/HR staff using a primary tool called the Birkman Method. Erin is a trainer for Birkman International and uses the Birkman Method tool to enhance her work with individuals/couples/teams, etc., as she coaches missionaries wholistically (using principles of discipleship, counseling, spiritual formation, etc). She is passionate about seeing missionaries grow in their experience of the Lord’s grace and love in their lives so that they can love one another (especially on their teams, in their families, etc.) more effectively, thus maximizing their gospel impact in the world.
Please pray for:
- Pray God would add 3-4 new members to our Global Cru Birkman team to share the burden of our global work and training…especially needed are those gifted administratively.
- Pray that my kids, Zeke and Hartlee, would continue to walk closely with the Lord, that the Lord would provide dear Christian friends for them, and that they would sense clarity from the Lord regarding their calling/vocation and educational directions.
- Pray for the continued growth of my financial support base so that I might be fully supported and not have to divide my attention in ministry to raising new support.
- Pray that the Lord would work mightily through our team to see our Missionaries become more like Jesus and, in turn, love one another more as Jesus would. The end result would be that non-Christians would be attracted to Christ and join His Kingdom daily!