Hannah Levers
Denver, CO
Key Verse: Acts 1:8
Ministry Focus: Along with her team, Hannah’s vision for ministry is uniquely restoring refugee and immigrant communities with the good news of Jesus in the greater Denver area. She welcomes refugees and immigrants into her life as friends and helps them to adjust to living here in this culture to be the light of Christ. This includes anything from teaching ESL, praying for & with them, prayer walking around their neighborhoods, pursuing spiritual conversations, aiding in financial literacy, etc. She equips other believers to walk with refugees and immigrants by inviting them into relationships with these families and providing training alongside her team. As partnerships are key to fully loving and caring for the refugee and immigrant communities, Hannah and her team also invest in partners like resettlement agencies, local churches, specialty organizations for training (i.e., Trauma Healing), and other ministries in Cru (i.e., Jesus Film).
Please pray that:
- Jesus will come to my refugee & immigrant friends in dreams and visions.
- what blinders the enemy has placed in front of my friends eyes would be removed in the name of Jesus, so that they can fully respond to the love of Jesus.
- the Church would truly see and embrace God’s love for the stranger and respond with His heart.
- the Holy Spirit will empower me (and my team) with boldness to share and be the love of Jesus to the refugee and immigrant communities in the Denver area.