Maxwell Family
Ministry Focus: Street children are the most marginalized group in the world, we believe that God’s heart is for these children. Our team has seen God do amazing things in the lives of the boys we work with, we believe He is bringing revival to Kenya and it is going to be through these forgotten kids. There are as many as 1,500,000 street children, 500,000 in Kenya. Our passion and desire is to reach these children with the gospel of Christ, discipling disciple-makers. Our vision is to be on multiple continents in the coming years following the movement of the Holy Spirit as He transforms the lives of street children.
Please pray for:
- We will be purchasing land soon, we need Father’s provision as we start the capital campaign.
- We are going to rent a property for the kids on the street to come to, this drop-in center will be a big part of the process of transforming the lives of the kids and ultimately their rescue from the streets.
- Community work is needed for long-term sustainability in the areas we work. We are looking to plant another community church in the next few months. This church will consist of street people and poverty-stricken families. The areas we work in are very dark, we need the light of Christ to shine through and transform these communities.