Pennington Family
Southeast Asia (based in Tulsa, OK area)
Rodney & Amanda, McKaylyn, Kaiya, Eden & Boston
Key Verse: 2 Timothy 4:6-8
Ministry Focus: Rodney serves in mobilization with OMF International (U.S.). He is blessed to be working with a dedicated team of mobilizers who strive to see the North American church get involved in reaching the unreached peoples of East Asia. During our time with OMF International, we have been blessed to have spent many years helping with the church planting efforts throughout East Asia while we lived in Thailand. We joined OMF in 2005 and left for Thailand in 2006.
Please pray:
- that God would send out more workers to reach the unreached.
- that the local church would unify in our efforts of making disciples of all nations.
- for the mobilization efforts of OMF International US.
- that God would guide all we do for His glory.