David & Lynn
East Asia (based in Denver, CO)
Key Verse: Acts 17:26-27
Ministry Focus: David and Lynn have served among East Asian Internationals since the late ’80s. They spent several years in Taiwan and China in the 90s learning language and culture to engage with international students back in the US more meaningfully. They are part of a local Chinese church with an ongoing ministry to visiting students and scholars. Their greatest burden is to see those who come to know the Lord here prepared and equipped to return home and continue as faithful followers of Christ, impacting others for him. Through returnee-focus discipline, we seek to help young believers not just survive when they return to challenging contexts but thrive in Christ, connect and engage with the local church, and be ambassadors for Christ wherever he places them.
Please pray for:
- our growing “retreat” ministry to those returning home as followers of Christ. May God lead us to brothers and sisters who are returning soon so we can encourage and help them prepare for the transition. Pray as we modify our resources to make them more widely available to returnees and those working with returnees.
- those who have returned as they settle into life at home as followers of Christ. Circumstances in some locations are more and more challenging for believers. May they find God faithful, and may they remain faithful, living as salt and light among friends and family.