We have been singing this song over the past several weeks. I love finding songs that have a strong connection to a passage of scripture and this song is like that. This songs was birthed from Philippians chapter 2
Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, 6 who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, 7 but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. 8 And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. 9 Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, 10 so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11 and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
This text is one of my favorites because it teaches us of the extent to which Christ went to save us. He humbled himself to become a human. When he did that he set aside his heavenly power only to be beaten and killed for us. These truths demonstrate God’s extravagant love for you and I. The passage goes on to tell us that after Jesus rose again he was given the name above every other name. God had not only conquered sin but he had defeated death and earned a name above every other name.
One of the theologically significant things that took place through Jesus was the proving of his nature. Jesus was and has always been worthy of highest praise but because of his life death and resurrection he demonstrated that worth in a unique way. Hebrews teaches us this idea in multiple places saying things like, “learned obedience” through what he suffered (Her 5:8). Jesus was perfect and complete before he because human but he demonstrated his perfection through his life. Jesus proves that God isn’t all talk when it comes to love. Jesus demonstrated he isn’t all talk when it comes to how we should live. He put action to his love and commands. Jesus has earned the name above every name by not just being God but by remaining holy even in his human form.
When we sing this song I want us to reflect on how evident Jesus’ worth is. He is exalted over all for so many reasons. I love raising our voices together to say that because it feels like we are doing exactly what we will be doing in all of eternity. Our entire future is going to be filled with lives that reflect, sing, and exalt Jesus above all else. Let’s start that process today, let’s use this song to help us.
And set your heart upon the cross
We’ll never know the sacrifice You’ve made
For all our sin and all our shame
You took the nails, You took our place
No one else could do what You have done
One name is higher
One name is stronger
Than any grave, than any throne
Christ exalted over all
From the grave, where death would die
You rose again and brought us life
You’re reigning now, the Saviour of the world
You’re reigning now, the Saviour of the worldOne name is higher
One name is stronger
Than any grave, than any throne
Christ exalted over all
The only Saviour, Jesus Messiah
To You alone our praise belongs
Christ exalted over all
We’ll sing your praise
We’ll sing your praise
We’ll sing your praise forever
We lift your name
We lift your name
Jesus over all
One name is higher
One name is stronger
Than any grave, than any throne
Christ exalted over all
The only Saviour, Jesus Messiah
To You alone our praise belongs
Christ exalted over all
To You alone our praise belongs
Christ exalted over all
We’ll sing your praise
We’ll sing your praise
We’ll sing your praise forever
We lift your name
We lift your name
Jesus over all
One name is higher
One name is stronger
Than any grave, than any throne
Christ exalted over all
The only Saviour, Jesus Messiah
To You alone our praise belongs
Christ exalted over all
To You alone our praise belongs
Christ exalted over all