Dan Elliott
Community Care
I’ve been one of the pastors at South Fellowship for well over 20 years, covering a variety of tasks and responsibilities. At present, I oversee the area of Community Care… and I love it! In fact, I’ve grown to love and appreciate this family called South more and more. God is doing many formative things through South’s people – both among each other and in the community surrounding us. I’m so privileged to be a part of that.
My wife, Kerry, and I have been married for 45 years (Wow!). Kerry retired from teaching a few years ago. We were never able to have children, but through her teaching and my pastoring, we’ve gained a large and warm family. We love hiking in the Colorado mountains, appreciating the beauty of this state, enjoying the neighbors God has given us, reading books, watching a good movie (or binge-watching a great series), being avid, diehard Broncos fans, and opening our home to others. She’s my best friend, and I’m grateful to walk this life with her.
Office Hours:
Tues-Weds: 9:30am-5:00pm
Thurs: 9:30am-1:30pm
Contact Dan for:
benevolence questions or other needs, if you would like a visit, or just want someone to talk to.