
The Dailies

Much More Glory!


Now if the ministry that brought death, which was engraved in letters on stone, came with glory, so that the Israelites could not look steadily at the face of Moses because of its glory, [...]

Much More Glory!2024-05-26T16:32:49-06:00



Well, there was no one jumping out of a cake, but this was a surprise that changed the face of everything. But let’s back up a bit. ...While he was still speaking, Judas, one [...]


Peter Drops the Mic


While he was with them, he declared, “Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait there for what my Father promised, which you heard about from me. For John baptized with water, but you will be baptized [...]

Peter Drops the Mic2024-05-22T13:26:04-06:00

The Waiting Game


Waiting. We have all experienced waiting in our spiritual walk. Many in the Bible did as well. David waited many years to become king after being anointed by Samuel as a teenager. Then, once [...]

The Waiting Game2024-05-17T09:47:42-06:00

Pentecost Fulfilled


 - The Spirit’s Inscription on Believing Hearts Our nation accommodates multiple interests. As a result, official calendars are crammed with holidays and observances. A few holidays merit a day off from work, while others [...]

Pentecost Fulfilled2024-05-15T21:47:47-06:00

What is the Gospel?


Each of us have shared a personal story in the last week of how the gospel has impacted us personally. We have also shared about circumstances in our lives when doubts about God’s goodness or [...]

What is the Gospel?2024-05-11T11:11:32-06:00

The Goodest News!!


English teachers in our midst, please forgive my ungrammatical title. My prompt for today was to share my personal experience with the Gospel, or more precisely, the Good News. As I considered it, I felt [...]

The Goodest News!!2024-05-11T10:30:09-06:00
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