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By |2009-01-20T22:18:00-07:00January 20th, 2009|Staff Blogs|

I went for a run today and as I was running I had the chance to watch a little bit of President Obama's Inauguration Parade. I have heard that between 1-2 million showed up for [...]

Spotlight on Grace

By |2011-11-04T04:36:07-06:00November 4th, 2011|Staff Blogs|

One of things that I love about our community at theWELL is the amazing way that God is demonstrating His grace in the lives of our students. We want to capture and tell the stories [...]

Hills + Valleys

By |2024-06-20T09:54:24-06:00October 7th, 2018|

Hills + Valleys Very rarely is life ever only good or only bad. Most of life is a mixed bag. We experience seasons of joy and times of turmoil. [...]


By |2019-02-17T23:43:52-07:00February 13th, 2008|Staff Blogs|

I can remember I encouraged students at my old church to celebrate lent and I had parents come to me and ask me if I was catholic. I remember thinking that was sort of funny. [...]

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