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Moving On?

By |2013-12-10T00:00:00-07:00December 10th, 2013|Staff Blogs|

I've asked the question too. And can we be real for just a moment? It's a dumb question. "What does it look like to move on?" or "Do you feel like you are moving on?" [...]

Good, Better, Best

By |2013-08-14T00:00:00-06:00August 14th, 2013|Staff Blogs|

good better best never let it rest till your good it better and your better is best I can’t remember where I learned this little poem, but it has stuck with me. One of the [...]

One Thing

By |2014-01-21T00:00:00-07:00January 21st, 2014|Staff Blogs|

Day 9 - Journey Through John I love this chapter of the scriptures! It's one of my favorites. I'm going to just give a few observations that I made this time around and how Jesus [...]

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