Oct. 5th, 2014 | Series: The Beautiful Journey

Everybody knows it… we were designed for relationships. We were created to know and to be known. But that isn’t an easy thing. In many ways, the dawn of the Enlightenment Era invited us to embrace the prominence of the autonomous self. However, on a deep-seeded level, we all know we were created for more. The Bible doesn’t say that community is a good way to enhance our lives; it states that community is necessary to shape our lives. Listen in as we explore how community helps transform us into the image of God.

Sermon Resources

Beautiful Community
2 Corinthians 3:1-18
Life Group Study


  • What is the tightest community you have ever been a part of? What do you think made it so tight knit?
  • What is something that has stood out to you in the first three weeks of our Beautiful Journey series?
    o If someone asked you to summarize how Christian transformation takes place, what would you say? How have you seen this play out in your life?


  • Briefly skim through 2 Corinthians 3 and recount the three ways transformation is shaped by community (that Ryan pointed out on Sunday – and others from the passage you’d add).
    • Which one of these things do you most need to hear from the people around you? Why?
    • If the Spirit leads, you may want to spend some time speaking into one another’s life!
  • Read and discuss 2 Corinthians 3:18. What are some things that stand out to you? What do you make of those who follow Jesus becoming like Jesus?
    o Do you agree with Ryan that transformation is a communal process? Why or why not? What are some of the various ways community transforms?
  • Read John 17:22. In what ways have you seen the glory of God through other people? Have you seen God’s glory in this way?
    o Rabbit trail: how do you reconcile Isaiah 42:8 with 2 Corinthians 3:18 and John 17:22?
  • In your opinion, what are some of the greatest obstacles to living as community in the way it was described on Sunday? How do you think the gospel speaks into these challenges?
    • In your opinion, why is it hard to be vulnerable with other people?
    • How do you think the development of social media has either helped or hindered our need for community?


  • What do you sense the Spirit leading you to do in response to this passage of scripture?
  • Complete these sentences: “I need my community to _______________________.” AND “I want to offer my community _____________________________.”
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