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the key to being found is asking for HELP
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Read Luke 5:31-32
Does Jesus play favorites? I think he does. Before you write me o as a heretic, let me explain. One of the things that strikes me as I read about Jesus is the way he behaved toward two di erent groups of people. Jesus seems almost obnoxiously gracious towards the “sinners.” Jesus sought out people who were outcasts, broken, overlooked, and altogether rejected by the religious society. On the other hand, Jesus seems to go out of his way to battle against the “religious leaders” of his day.
So, does Jesus play favorites by prioritizing those who were clearly lost? At the end of this week’s passage, Jesus says, “for the Son of Man has come to seek and save the lost.” In a similar passage Jesus says, “those who are well have no need of a physician, but those were sick. I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance” (Luke 5:31-32). These texts tell us Jesus’ personal mission statement. That mission is simple – to seek and to save the lost. Jesus is a shepherd at heart. His eyes pay close attention to the weak or runaway sheep.
So, I guess if you want to be prioritized by Jesus, you must be lost. He seems to focus his ministry on the lost rather than the religious leaders of the day. But, in order to be found one must first admit they’re lost. Spiritually speaking, the only difference between someone who is lost and someone who is not, is pride. We’re all souls wandering in the dark and the key to being found is asking for help. The religious leaders didn’t feel the reality of their need. Bumbling through the dark they emphatically insist that they could see just fine. Not only did they believe that they could see, they also believed that they could lead the rest of the world to safety. Elsewhere Jesus says, “Let them alone; they are blind guides. And if the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit” (Matthew 15:14).
If you feel lost, broken, outcast, rejected, or unloved, Jesus has a special place in his heart for you. Perhaps if you don’t feel that way, you’re just one genuine confession from being all of those things and finding yourself inside Jesus’ tender care. I don’t know about you, but if all I need to do is admit my weakness in order to get Jesus’ lavish grace, then let it be known, I’m a complete mess without my Savior, Jesus!
Reflection and Response
How often do you ask for help? What are the typical reasons you run to Jesus for help? Write out a prayer describing what you want Jesus to do for you. Then, consider what your life might look like if Jesus does what you want him to do.
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By Aaron Bjorklund
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