
The Daily

Glow in the Darkness


by Kathleen Petersen Earlier this week you received words from some of my fellow Devotional Team members about the shade cast on Jesus’ reputation by dishonorable conduct of self-identified Christians. Such examples prompt doubt [...]

Glow in the Darkness2024-04-27T18:22:23-06:00

The Human Conundrum


by Bruce Hanson   Fifty years ago I read a book by William Schnell titled Thirty Years a Watchtower Slave, the story of a man who had spent his life in the Jehovah’s Witnesses before [...]

The Human Conundrum2024-04-27T12:52:22-06:00

Without a Doubt


by Bruce Hanson Then Jesus told them, “This very night you will all fall away on account of me, for it is written: ‘I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock [...]

Without a Doubt2024-04-20T18:35:05-06:00

A Cup of Love


by Jeanne Melberg We know the story; from the Garden, the Fall — resulting from Adam and Eve's experiment with sin; by severing themselves from the “Vine”. There is no life apart from the [...]

A Cup of Love2024-05-26T11:20:09-06:00
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