The Dailies

Follow the Confusion


This week, we’ve explored the spiritual practice of Scripture reading. Today’s tip: follow the confusion and frustration. Over the years, I’ve discovered that one of the most powerful ways to engage with Scripture and follow [...]

Follow the Confusion2025-01-08T11:29:27-07:00

Study Scripture


Read the following passage and try to ask 30 questions about it. It may be difficult at first, but this skill is one of the most important Bible study skills one can learn. I remember [...]

Study Scripture2025-01-07T15:58:39-07:00

Reading Scripture


Today, I want to offer you a little scripture-reading practice that might help you read the text differently. We will focus on Spiritual reading. If possible, find a friend or loved one with whom [...]

Reading Scripture2025-01-06T22:59:47-07:00
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